ODA X6-2S - upgrade from to ... simply a few remarks

Did an update of our ODA X6-2S from to Patch Bundle together with desire to portion or then findings. 

The patching procedure is described quite expert inwards the README - nevertheless, a few remarks:

  • the whole procedure took nigh 2 hours - without downloading the necessary files together with preparations (for example: read the README ;-))
  • The time, the update procedure takes, depends on the release of databases running on that arrangement (in our instance only four)
  • The README does non clearly cite that the arrangement is rebooted ii times. 
    First fourth dimension later step odacli update-serversecond later step odacli update-storageBut non at 1 time later the update measurement - the arrangement waits for v Minutes until it starts rebooting (!)
    Do non laid out whatever next measurement earlier the reboot has taken house together with the arrangement is available again
  • README chapter 4 - Post Patching Steps - tells non the whole truth: oracle talks nigh issuing an update-image command. But, inwards the Image-Patch README is mentioned that You guide maintain to upshot a

    odacli update-repository --fileName /tmp/oda-sm-

    Long storey told short:
    1. do the 'update-repository' measurement first 
    2. '--fileName' volition throw an mistake - the dominance is: '--filename' (all lower case) or - alternatively '-f'
    3. after updating the repository, upshot the update-image

That's it, basically. Happy upgrading!