SQL Jokes cont.

To continue the of SQL Jokes below

Here are some more:

Q: Why do you never ask SQL people to help you move your furniture?
A: They sometimes drop the table

Q: How do you spell GOD?

Q: When did God create the DBA ?
A: The day before he had his rights revoked.

Q: Why do DBAs often confuse Halloween and Christmas?
A: Because '31 Oct' = '25 Dec'

Q1: What did the DBA say to the Developer?
A: It doesn’t matter, he wasn’t listening anyway.
Q2: What did the Developer say to the DBA?
A: It doesn’t matter, the answer was no.

Joins are what RDBMS's do for a living.

"NULL is the Chuck Norris of the database - nothing can be compared to it."

DBA = Default Blame Acceptor

Do you have more? You are invited to share.