So, you call yourself a DBA ..., Let`s see

I got an opportunity to do job interviews when
we were looking for development DBA.

Honestly, I was in shock from some candidates.
We got many CVs where people wrote that
they have 5-6 and more years of 'hands on' experience.

Nice, I said,
there will be no
dilema to find
a good DBA.
I was wrong !!!!!!!!

People calling themselves a DBA with many years
of experience did not answer very primitive
questions related to the SQL Server.

Here some examples:

What is the difference between @@identity and scope_identity()?

Answers we got:

- @@identity returns the process id of your connection.
- @@identity is a constant and you can use it later in the code.
- @@identity is a global variable and scope_identity() is a func.
- "I don`t know, but I can search for it in the Google" (cool answer)

Question:What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?

Answers we got:

- varchar can hold only letters and nvarchar can hold letters+numbers
- varchar is a fixed set of characters per column and nvarchar is
   'flexible' to use, as much characters as needed per row.


How SQL Server stores its indexes?
What B stands for in the 'B-Tree'?


- B is for 'Group by' clause and A is for Child (WTF !!??)
- Binary (90 % of candidates answered Binary)
How to fix index fragmentation?

You update the statistics.


I interviewed a DBA with 10 years of expirence and he:

Did not know what the difference between Identiy and ScopeIdentiy is.
Did not know that varchar(max) hold data in row until 8k.
Did not know what the OUTPUT clause in sql 2005 is.

Come on , people !
How dare you lie in your CV and come to job interview when
you know you will be tested.
I really do not get it.

I want to emphasize, these are not the only questions
that were asked. This post is not about which questions
to ask or how to do the interview.
It is just an example of answers.