ODA X6 - netca cannot add together listener - displaying 'Use or in addition to thence other port number' messages

Tried to practice e novel listener to run on a non-default portnumber on an ODA X6. Each fourth dimension when adding a novel port position out (doesn't affair which number) an mistake enshroud pops up, stating that I shall lead unopen to other port number:

I checked to a greater extent than than 1 time together with using dissimilar tools - at that topographic point is no port similar this used. Finally I checked the logfile - to live works life here: 
it shows mistake messages similar these:

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:54:55.424 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.buildAddressString:787]  Building Address for TCP:
oracle.net.ca.IllegalEndpointException: The information provided for this listener is currently inward role past times unopen to other listener on this computer.

followed by

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.325 CEST ] [ConfigureListener.validateEndPoint:1059]  Validating end-point: TCP:1534
[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.326 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.buildTCPAddress:807]  Building TCP Address amongst HOST <hostname>.<domain>
[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.327 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.buildAddressString:787]  Building Address for TCP:
oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.ClusterException: PRKC-1099 : The host names or IP addresses passed equally an declaration are null.

and finally

[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.331 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.isPortFree:1152]  PRKC-1099 : The host names or IP addresses passed equally an declaration are null.
[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.331 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.isPortFree:1153]  Failed to banking company lucifer if port 1534 is available on cluster nodes. !
[AWT-EventQueue-0] [ 2017-06-13 13:55:00.332 CEST ] [ConfigureListenerOPS.isPortFree:1161]  Is Port 1534 gratuitous on cluster nodes: false
oracle.net.ca.IllegalEndpointException: Port 1534 provided for this listener is already inward role on node(s) of Oracle Clusterware.

RUBBISH!! The existent argue is mentioned before inward the logfile:
[Thread-8] [ 2017-06-13 13:54:38.899 CEST ] [StreamReader.run:65]  ERROR>No RSA host commutation is known for <hostname> together with y'all stimulate got requested strict checking.
[Thread-8] [ 2017-06-13 13:54:38.899 CEST ] [StreamReader.run:65]  ERROR>Host commutation verification failed.
[main] [ 2017-06-13 13:54:38.901 CEST ] [UnixSystem.checkRemoteExecutionSetup:2417]  checkRemoteExecutionSetup:: Error checking user equivalence using Secured Shell '/usr/bin/ssh'
[main] [ 2017-06-13 13:54:38.908 CEST ] [HAUtils.getAccessibleNodes:3135]  <hostname> is non reachable PRKC-1044 : Failed to banking company lucifer remote ascendancy execution setup for node <hostname> using shells /usr/bin/ssh together with /usr/bin/rsh
File "/usr/bin/rsh" does non be on node "<hostname>"
No RSA host commutation is known for <hostname> and y'all stimulate got requested strict checking.Host commutation verification failed.


Long storey told short: precisely configure user equivalence:

# alter to HOME directory:

# practice a directory called .ssh (if non existing)
mkdir .ssh

# alter modern to 700
chmod 700 .ssh

# alter directory to .ssh
cd .ssh

# practice the RSA commutation file
ssh-keygen -t rsa

(accept the default place for the commutation file and confirm the passphrase (usually press teach into twice to exit the passphrase empty))

# practice the DSA keyfile
ssh-keygen -t dsa

(accept the default place for the commutation file and confirm the passphrase (usually press teach into twice to exit the passphrase empty))

# practice the authorized keys files (one amongst the hostname for improve visibility what node information is inward - inward representative You desire to re-create that file to other hosts)
cat *.pub >> authorized_keys.<hostname>
cp authorized_keys.<hostname> authorized_keys

# now, add together the host to the listing of the known_hosts (I used this ascendancy - other commands are available equally well):
/usr/bin/ssh -o FallBackToRsh=no  -o PasswordAuthentication=no  -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no  -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 <hostname> /bin/true

# Result of the lastly command
Warning: Permanently added '<hostname>,<host's IP>' (RSA) to the listing of known hosts.

You should at 1 time stimulate got the next files inward Your .ssh directory

When You at 1 time endeavor to practice a novel listener, everything works fine :-)

It could live that easy! ;-)